In this tutorial, we'll look at what needs to happen with Volunteer Applications once they are submitted by potential volunteers. This process involves two key elements:
- Reviewing the volunteer application for accuracy and completeness.
- Either assigning the volunteer to a committee or making the volunteer "Inactive".
Logging into KIT and accessing KIT Events
Once volunteer applications are submitted, they are now accessible via the KIT Events management application.
To login to KIT, simply open your web browser (Google Chrome recommended) and in the address bar, type:
Once you've arrived at the KIT Login Page, click the link to sign-in with your Google Apps account.
Note: You may be prompted for "permission" to share your Google Apps Profile information with Curling Canada's KIT system, so make sure you say yes to that, or you won't be able to get in.
Once logged into KIT, click on the "KIT Events" icon and you'll find yourself on the KIT Events Dashboard. From here, you can see the logos for those events that you have been assigned. Clicking on any of those logos will bring you into the management interface for that Event.
Viewing Unassigned Volunteers
When Volunteer Applications are initially submitted by potential volunteers, these applications are immediately set to an "Unassigned" status and are now visible by clicking the "Manage Volunteers" button on the Event Dashboard.
KIT Event: Event Dashboard
KIT Event: Unassigned Volunteers Listing
NOTE: If you do not see the "Unassigned" tab, this is because there are no unassigned volunteers to manage. You will see the "Active" tab of volunteers by default.
Reviewing the Volunteer Application
Managing a volunteer application requires that the Volunteer's application be reviewed for accuracy and completeness. This process is quite quick, but you must review all fields to ensure that the information submitted by the potential volunteer is reasonably expected to be accurate, formatting is correct and that there is both a Uniform Size and quality Headshot Photo.
If the information in the application does not meet the requirements, the volunteer MUST BE CONTACTED and the application must be updated.
Once all of the volunteer application information has been reviewed and approved, scroll to the bottom of the application and proceed to the next step of Assigning the Volunteer to a Committee.
Assigning the Volunteer to a Committee
After being reviewed successfully, scroll to the bottom of the application to see what this volunteer's preferred areas of volunteering are and then, in order of preference, check one of the areas in the "Assigned Committees" section.
You'll notice that there are numbers beside each of the committees, indicating how many volunteers are currently assigned to that committee and how many volunteers are required for that committee (quota).
Once an Assigned Committee has been checked, click the "Save and Close" button to return to the list of "Unassigned" volunteers and proceed with the next application.
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